I made this blog a couple of years ago, not really knowing how to blog. But I have been reading blogs as of recent, and I am inspired to give it a try once more. So far it has been very time consuming for me to restart (1 and half hours so far), playing around with setting and not too happy with it yet, but I have noticed many of my friends use
smallbirdstudio and I just LOVE her work.
Well how about and introduction of who I am, My name is Tamberly and I am a wife and Mommy. Justin Mylove is a full time student at San Diego Christian College, he is getting his degree in Musical Theartre and interdisciplinary studies with a blah blah blah... his dream is to teach Theatre and the College level, so why am I telling you this well because it is a HUGE part of who I am and who we are, FULL time school for a married man with children is no joke, sometimes the kids get to see Daddy for 10 minutes in the morning and then he gets home well past bed time. Praise the Lord for the post 911 G.I. bill, much time, prayer, and thought has gone into getting Justin started with the best course to a better life for all of us, and I am proud of him. My children are, Galilee she is 8, in 2nd grade and is getting ready to be in her first CYT production, she is an Oompa Loompa in Willy Wonka opening at the end of this month. Our only Son is Owen he is 6, and in Kindergarten, he is a very bright kid and wants to know everything and about anything. Baby Esther would be 3 and 1/2 and she live in heaven, Esther was stillborn at 36 weeks on June 18, 2007. She is loved dearly and remembered daily. Felicity-Reese is 2 1/2 and she is our rainbow girl, I like to call her my lightning bolt , she is a all smiles unless she is not getting her way. And then we have miss Quinn Joy, she is 8 months old and she is pure JOY, all of my kids love me, but Quinn is IN LOVE with me, she lights up our world. I am so blessed.
Aside from being Wife and Mommy I am a baker Tam's Treats, it is a fun thing I do very part time. I enjoy cooking, cleaning and anything that allows me to be creative, making hair flowers, restoring old chairs, Writing names in the sand, gardening(it's a love hate relationship), sewing. I am also recently involved with Molly Bears, we make weighted teddy bears for families that have had a loss, it is so rewarding to be involved.
Well here's to hoping I can keep it up with the blogging world.