This is my 3 year old Felicity-Reese, I know parents say it all the time about their kids growing so quickly, and that time flies, it is truth (unless we are talking about homework time, then it seems to d...r...a...g... on). I was talking with a sweet friend of mine today, whom I met here on blogger world, she gave birth October 13th to her rainbow Ava, and she says time is going so quickly. She cannot believe her precious little one has been home for over a week. So I am happy to hear I am not the only one thinking "WOW if I blink I'll miss it". I am enjoying many parts of age three with Felicity (not everything,for instance look at the hair), she has started story telling, not just any story telling but stories that crack her up! I love it, and she tells the same 3 stories all day long and I cannot get enough of it. She is also such a great big sister to Quinn. I love this girl! And I cannot believe she is 3 years and 5 months old.