Monday, November 7, 2011

Adventures in Home School

Our family has come to the decision, that the best education and environment for our sweet kids is for me to home school them. I am looking forward to this time with them and all along praying that we will have success. These days the funding for public education has been cut so much it is a disservice to both the teachers and students. We are passing kids through an educational program that is no way setting them or our country up for any well rounded future. Not to say that there are plenty of teacher putting in over time and their own funds into our children and their education. I am just ready to regain control of these children of mine, and if the only reason for me to send them off to school is to have less kids at home and "free time" then I am not doing my giving job as a mother. I have 18 years with these precious children, to pour love and knowledge, and pray to God that they are contributing members of society. My years with Galilee as a child are HALF way over, she is turning 9 years old this month, action needs to be taken now! I am ready, hoping, and praying this all goes well.