I feel like blogging but I am not sure what about, there is so much. So I went to check my photos to see what about, we have beach days, Disneyland, Sea World with friends, tea parties, lemonade stands, bears, Pirate Ship Adventures, park days, theatre award shows, summer is in full swing and all at once soon to come to an end, Mylove starts back school (well going into school, he took 18 units this summer) he goes back in 10 days, it has been nice sleeping in next to him each morning, but all good things must come to an end, and the bed get to be made before 10 am each day yahoo! Some reason if the bed is made a bit of my heart is content, I have always felt this way. Ok back to summer and it's end, the kids have just over 3 weeks left, I don't even want to think about what madness that brings to my life, I'll blog about that at a later date.
I have blogging A.D.D.
Now I want to talk about the 2nd Annual Remembrance Gathering put on by Sweet Pea Project http://www.sweetpeaproject.org/remember I am not savvy enough to make that link to just say sweet pea, I will be hosting San Diego's event along with Tara, and Bridget moved so we are hoping this year she gets to come down for it!
Oh maybe I should update on my last post; Save, Give, Spend. There is money in each Jar, we re so good at the spending jar, Save Jar could look better, and give jar I was able to give towards http://www.active.com/donate/holdenuganda/teammichigan $6 not much at all but when a lot of people come together big things can happen, it takes about $2000 for 1 well to be built but with that 1 well it means water for hundreds of people! I will be looking for more things to give towards and hoping to continue with The Holden Uganda project as well!
Living life each day with purpose to bring Him glory. Feeling blessed as I lay in bed with my lap top, internet, and my snoring 3 year old.
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